Retiring Soon

Are you ready for the lifestyle challenges retirement presents? See Retirement Lifestyle Tips


Preparing for Retirement

Are you planning to retire soon – in about one to three years? In this webinar, we’ll provide essential tips and guidance to help you smoothly navigate the transition from working to retiring with URS. We’ll cover key steps and decisions you’ll need to make in the final stages of your career, helping you approach retirement with clarity and confidence.

April 3, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. | Register

Creating Your Purpose-Filled Retirement

Retirement is more than just a financial milestone – it’s a major life transition that requires thoughtful planning. While you may have your finances in order, have you considered how you’ll spend your time? Many retirees find themselves lost in the sea of free hours, struggling to fill their days with purpose. In this webinar, we’ll help you create a fulfilling retirement lifestyle that aligns with your personal interests and goals. Don’t just retire – thrive!

April 11, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. | Register

A Closer Look at Purchasing Service Credit

Are you thinking about purchasing additional service credit to enhance your retirement benefits or retire a little early? Come learn more about the opportunities of purchasing service credit. 

April 29, 2025 at noon | Register

Understanding Post-Retirement Reemployment

Thinking about returning to work for a URS participating employer after you’ve retired? Make sure you understand the different options and rules for how it will affect your pension. In this webinar, we’ll go through your Post-Retirement Reemployment options, including a new one that goes into effect in July 2025. Get the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Noon, Thursday, May 29, 2025 | Register


Retirement Benefit Estimate Calculator
Estimate your future retirement benefit today.

Service Purchase Estimate Calculator
Calculate the cost of purchasing service credit.


Tier 1 Retirement Guidebook

Tier 2 Retirement Guidebook

Learn the necessary steps when applying for retirement benefits.

Preparing to Retire

Guide for URS members who plan to retire soon. What you need to know about your pension, savings plans, healthcare, taxes, and more.

Steps to Retirement Checklist

A timeline and checklist of tasks to complete as you plan your retirement.

Tier 1 Partial Lump-Sum Option

At retirement you can choose to get a lump-sum payment (PLSO) equal to 12 months or 24 months of your lifetime monthly retirement benefit. 

Purchasing Future Service Credit

Find out how you (or jointly with your employer) can buy future service credit in order to retire sooner.

Purchasing Service Credit

You may be able to retire earlier or get more in retirement by buying other public service credit or reinstating eligible service.
What to Expect When Completing a Service Purchase

Post-Retirement Employment

If you’re considering returning to public employment after retirement, learn how it may impact your benefits.
Post-Retirement Reemployment Form


Payout Options at Retirement

Personal Transition to Retirement

Social Security Basics

URS ViewPoint

Stay up to date with the latest news and information about your benefits. Read the newsletter for active URS members.


Learn more about your benefits with our publications and training.

Financial Wellness

Free URS resources can help you improve your finances.

Access Your Benefits

Create a myURS account to manage accounts, change beneficiaries, and more.