2025 Comprehensive Employer Training

Comprehensive Employer Training will be held at locations across Utah in April and May 2025. This training covers a range of topics important to administering retirement benefits ,including legislative updates, board resolutions, administrative hot topics, retirement planning insights and more.
This year, we’ll introduce website navigation training for AUREUS. You won’t want to miss this as we prepare to transition to this new recordkeeping system.
We encourage all staff members who participate in administering retirement benefits to attend.

» Learn More and Register

2025 URS/PEHP Employer Event

The 2025 URS/PEHP Employer Event will be on Wednesday, March 26, at the Conference Center at Salt Lake Community College Miller Campus (9750 S 300 W, Sandy, UT 84070) and virtually. This event is held yearly for executives, HR and benefits managers, and other decision-makers. It includes news and trends in retirement and healthcare and updates from URS leadership. 

» Register for In-Person Event

» Register for Virtual Event

New Post-Retirement Reemployment Option Effective July 1, 2025

Starting July 1, 2025, a new post-retirement reemployment option will allow members to continue receiving their monthly pension benefit if they return to work within 90 days to one year after retiring.

If the member meets the separation requirement, they can keep receiving their pension with these conditions:

Reduced Benefit: Their pension benefit will be reduced by 15% if they retired from a public safety or firefighter system, or by 20% if retired from another system.

No COLA: They will not receive cost-of-living adjustments while reemployed.

If you have an employee who chooses this option, you, as the employer, must fill out a form indicating which post-retirement re-employment rule they plan to follow. This form will be available soon.

URS is hosting a member webinar (noon, Thursday, May 29, 2025) about post-retirement reemployment, including this new option.

More details for employers are forthcoming. Look for the upcoming Spring issue of Inside Story or attend Comprehensive Employer Training for more information about this new post-retirement option.

AUREUS Updates

Organization Demographic Updates: We may be contacting you to get information about your organization, such as your payroll schedules. Having up-to-date information in AUREUS will ensure proper functionality when we go live.

AUREUS Testing Update: We've started the first of several phases of the next year's User Acceptance Testing ("UAT"). In July 2024, internal URS employees began conducting end-to-end testing. Over the next several weeks, we'll be contacting employers who have volunteered to conduct AUREUS testing to give them more information about dates, location, and how they can prepare. After that, we'll be conducting parallel testing with employers (more information to come).

What is AUREUS? Visit the AUREUS home page where you will find file formats (for employers who choose to submit information to URS through a batch process on a file) and webinars to better understand how AUREUS will affect you. See Frequently Asked Questions to learn more or email us at AUREUS@urs.org.

Inside Story: Winter 2025

» Read Now

Help Your Employees Save for a Secure Retirement

Opt for automatic enrollment in URS Savings Plans to increase employee participation. Studies show about 40 percent of employees don't participate in their employer’s retirement savings plans. However, automatic enrollment increases participation to about 88%*.

With automatic enrollment, new employees automatically participate in URS Savings Plans at a percentage the employer sets. The employee can proactively opt-out at any time.

» How to Participate


URS Employer Line:
801-366-7318 or 800-753-7318

An Innovative Solution

URS is changing the way we do business by developing an innovative record keeping system. Learn some of the ways AUREUS will make your life easier.

2024 Employer Event

See videos of our 2024 Employer Event.